Thursday, April 19, 2012



I just wanted to inform you all...if any of you are reading...that I am going to be doing more posts now. My time here at college is almost over for the semester so I'm thinking I will up my posts now. I think I will start posting twice a month now.

I don't know how long it will last but, I hope to do so for the next few months. If I get to continue in Fall semester than I do, but if I don't I'm sorry if this disappoints you. But any way...expect two posts next month.

Have a wonderful Spring!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

All Things Leave Scars

Sex is for everyone...

It has come to me that it is time for me to talk. I have had the nightmares again and it seems to be everywhere I look reminding me of what happened. There has been a spike of sexual assaults and rapes here on campus of late. It think it has something to do with the end of the year and the nice weather, but that isn't the point.

I want to tell you about my experience. No, I will not go into detail. No, I am not going to make this up because I'm hoping for people to fallow my blog. If you have read the first post you know this. These are all things I know and I know I was sexually molested.

It was my Sophomore year in high school. It was a horrible thing and no one helped me. The school would do nothing without prof of it and as it happened people watched as if it was normal and laughed as if it was funny. As you can guess it happened on the bus every morning. He would get on the bus and ignore me but one day it changed and then he was there. His hands on me and whisperers of sweet words in my ear. I would cry out and tell him to stop but it was pointless. Everyone would laugh as if it was funny or ignore me thinking I was just wanting attention. I told teachers, who sent me to the councilor, who said that I need prof of it. The bus driver would glare at me everyday after this like it was my fault that it had happened. And sadly nothing changed.

I would like to say that I finally stood up for myself and beat him up, but it isn't true. I just ran. I pushed for my drivers license and drove to school every chance I got. I would catch rides with friends and just do anything to avoid the bus. I had felt like it was my fault that all of it happened. I was so sure after all if it that It was my fault, but it wasn't. I realize now that it was that horrible boys fault and everyone around me as well. they should have talked for me. They should have know that it was something I didn't like or want. And even more when I asked for help I should have got it.

I want to tell you this because everyone should have a voice. Everyone has things they can't talk about. It may be worst than this or not but that doesn't matter. Everything leaves a scar. I have to say that I am still scared of this boy and in turn he has given me a fear of taller people. I know it sounds sill, but when you are short to begin with it kind makes it hard to walk out your front door every day.

...and it should never be taken.